1. Abate (v.)
说文: Abate源自拉丁语的"ad"(表示动向)和"battuere"(敲击)。表示"变弱","减弱"。
示例: The storm abated as we entered the shelter.(当我们进入掩体时,风暴减弱了。)
2. Benevolent (adj.)
说文: Benevolent来自拉丁语的"bene"(好)和"volent"(愿望),表示"善良的","慈善的"。
示例: She is known for her benevolent deeds in the community.(她以社区的善举而闻名。)
3. Concur (v.)
说文: Concur源自拉丁语的"con"(一起)和"currere"(跑),表示"一起跑","同意"。
示例: I concur with the decision to proceed with the project.(我同意继续进行这个项目的决定。)
4. Reciprocal (adj.)
说文: Reciprocal来自拉丁语的"reciprocus",表示"互惠的","相互的"。
示例: The two countries agreed to a reciprocal reduction in tariffs.(两国同意相互降低关税。)
5. Zeal (n.)
说文: Zeal源自中世纪拉丁语的"zelus",表示"热情","热忱"。
示例: She tackled the project with great zeal and determination.(她充满热情和决心地着手处理这个项目。)
6. Elicit (v.)
说文: Elicit源自拉丁语的"elicere",表示"引出","得出"。
示例: The lawyer tried to elicit the truth from the witness.(律师试图从证人口中得出真相。)
7. Frivolous (adj.)
说文: Frivolous源自拉丁语的"frivolus",表示"轻浮的","琐碎的"。
示例: His frivolous attitude towards work cost him his job.(他对工作的轻率态度让他失去了工作。)
8. Immutable (adj.)
说文: Immutable来自拉丁语的"im"(无)和"mutabilis"(可变的),表示"不可改变的"。
示例: The laws of physics are based on immutable principles.(物理定律基于不可改变的原则。)
9. Meticulous (adj.)
说文: Meticulous来自拉丁语的"meticulosus",表示"小心翼翼的","过分讲究的"。
示例: She is known for her meticulous attention to detail.(她以对细节的过分讲究而闻名。)
10. Pragmatic (adj.)
说文: Pragmatic源自希腊语的"pragma"(行动),表示"务实的","实用主义的"。
示例: The CEO took a pragmatic approach to solving the company's problems.(CEO采取了务实的方式解决公司的问题。)